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Tobin Pre-Doctoral Fellowship

CSAP Predoc: Domestic and Foreign Politics of China

This position is part of The Center for the Study of American Politics (CSAP) Pre-Doctoral Fellows Program, which is affiliated with the Tobin Center/Economics Pre-Doctoral Fellows Program. The CSAP predoc program provides a high-quality education and training in quantitative political science research for individuals who are considering pursuing a Ph.D. in political science or a closely related discipline. CSAP predocs are invited to participate in all Tobin Center predoc activities. Information about the CSAP predoc program is available at this link.


Faculty Supervisor:

Daniel Mattingly


Project and Position Description:

The predoc will work with the Principal Investigator to collect, manage, and analyze data on a number of projects related to China’s domestic politics and foreign relations. Dr. Mattingly’s current projects focus on China’s foreign media, political history, and elite politics. The fellow may also support related programming, including potential academic exchanges between China and the United States. Key tasks include supervising research assistants, programming surveys, data collection, cleaning and merging data, data analysis, and writing. The fellow will closely work with the PI and a community of students working on Chinese politics.  The initial one-year appointment may be extended to two years.


Requisite Skills and Qualifications:

Native-level fluency in Chinese is required. Statistical training, experience with R and/or Python, and the ability to read classical Chinese are all a plus. Applicants are encouraged to include GitHub repositories if available but this is not required.