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Tobin Pre-Doctoral Fellowship

Research on Public Finance and Inequality in the U.S.

Faculty Supervisor:

Natasha Sarin


Project and Position Description:

This is a full-time research assistant position under the supervision of Professor Natasha Sarin (Yale Law School and Yale School of Management). If selected, you will work on research projects with a range of coauthors across institutions, including Larry Summers (Harvard), Sylvain Catherine (Wharton), Max Miller (Harvard), and James Paron (Wharton).

Research assistants will work on a robust agenda relating to public finance and inequality. Along with Sylvain, Max, and James, we will study the ways in which the existence of public programs like Social Security and Medicare help to dissipate recent increases in private wealth inequality. And with Larry, we will explore the US fiscal trajectory and understand the extent to which changing demographics and spending needs (for example, on defense in an increasingly uncertain world) bear on high and rising deficits. Research assistants will be engaged in all stages of the research process, including conceptual development, data collection, data analysis, and writing. Collaboration with other research assistants, graduate students, and faculty at Yale and other institutions will be an important component of the job. Research assistants should expect to spend time on these and a range of other projects across my myriad interests, including work related to the new Budget Lab at Yale and on topics in financial regulation.


Requisite Skills and Qualifications:

Background in economics is a plus but not required; candidates with strong technical skills who are interested in learning more about economics are encouraged to apply. Successful applicants typically have Bachelor’s or Master’s degrees with substantial coursework in economics, math, and/or computer science.