Experiments to Enhance the Efficiency of Medicaid
Chima Ndumele and Jacob Wallace
We are seeking a pre-doctoral fellow to work with us on a set of research projects that seek to enhance the efficiency of administration in the Medicaid program. This project leverages rich state data to design and conduct nudge-based Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) with the goal of identifying more efficient approaches to administering services in Medicaid. This unique public-private partnership represents an opportunity to streamline the path from rigorous evidence creation to policy. Planned projects include estimating the returns to increased take-up of social service programs and nudges to improve the immunization rate among children. Fellows will be expected to both contribute to the RCTs and to the quasi-experimental research designed to identify relevant targets for future RCTs. The project(s) will involve analysis of large Medicaid claims and other administrative databases, estimating models, creating presentations, and helping to prepare manuscripts. Fellows may have the opportunity to co-author papers with the research team and will regularly interact with faculty inside and outside of Yale and policymakers. We encourage our fellow to take classes while they are at Yale and participate in various economics seminars happening across campus. The fellow will also receive dedicated research training and career development skills with their Tobin pre-doctoral fellow cohort.
Candidates should have a long-term interest in pursuing economics-related research and be completing or have completed a Bachelors or Master’s degree. The ideal applicant will have strong programming skills. Preference will be given to detail-oriented applicants with previous research and programming experience, particularly in working with large datasets, in either Python, R, or Stata. We also encourage individuals with previous experience in economic consulting to apply.