Policy Discussion Papers
A collaborative effort of experts in economics and regulation in the United States, the UK, and the European Union, who have studied, and are committed to the improvement of, competition in digital markets.
PAPER NO. 1: Consumer Protection for Online Markets and Large Digital Platforms
PAPER NO. 2: More Competitive Search Through Regulation
PAPER NO. 3: Fairness and Contestibility in the Digital Markets Act
PAPER NO. 4: Equitable Interoperability: The "Super Tool" of Digital Platform Governance
PAPER NO. 5: International Coherence in Digital Platform Regulation: An Economic Perspective on the U.S. and EU Proposals
PAPER NO. 6: Market Design for Personal Data
PAPER NO. 7: Enforcing the Digital Markets Act: Institutional Choices, Compliance, and Antitrust
PAPER NO. 8: The Effective Use of Economics in the EU Digital Markets Act
PAPER NO. 9: Access Pricing for App Stores Under the Digital Markets Act
Working papers No. 1 through No. 5 have been published as part of the Digital Platform Regulation Symposium in the Yale Journal on Regulation, Volume 40.
The Tobin Center hosts the papers of the Digital Economy Project as a way for some of the world's leading economists and regulatory experts to present policy recommendations based on their relevant research and expertise. The Tobin Center does not take policy positions and therefore the content does not represent the positions of the Tobin Center or Yale University.
The Information Society Project's Digital Public Sphere White Paper Series is a related Yale-based initiative for the study of digital technologies' social ramifications.